Appearance of Mahdii Hadith About Last Day
Muhammad ‘Abdul Majiid Siddiiqii


THE ‘ULAMAA write that fitan [trials and tribulations that affect the ummah, physically, spiritually, financially, emotionally or otherwise] abound when a century draws to its end. The fitan of our times are all-encompassing. Racial, geographical and religious barriers cannot curb the flow of these on a global scale. The trials affecting those in America equally affect those in Asia and Africa. Hence the spirituality of the mujaddid [reformer] that will appear next will be of such a tremendous nature, that his impact will be felt globally. None other seem appropriate for this task save the promised 'Mahdii;.' [i.e. the rightly-guided leader] Therefore, it was the view of certain pious personalities that the imminent great reformation will be assigned to the Mahdii.

Shaah Waliyullaah Muhaddith Dehlawii, rahimahullaah, says, «My lord has shown me that qiyaamah is near, and that the Mahdii is preparing to make his appearance».’ -Tafhimaat Ilaahiyyah, Vol. 2, page 123.

When Moulaanaa Rashiid Ahmad Gangohii, rahimahullaah, saw any person intensely committed to the reformation of the ummah, he would say to him, «Brother, continue your efforts for you will be rewarded, but do not hope for much progress. Now, instead of reformation there will only be further degeneration. An effective reformation will only be accomplished by Imaam Mahdii».’ [An-Nuur monthly, Thaanah Bhawan, Dhul Hijjah 1347]

The founder of Daarul ‘Uluum, Hujjatul Islaam, Moulaanaa Muhammad Qaasim Naanotwii, rahimahullaah, said: «Amiir Shaah, Presently, the Muslim ummah is not suffering any humiliation and suppression. The time will come, when they will be so debased and humiliated as one cannot even imagine. That will be the time when the mercy of Allaah Ta’aalaa will unlimitedly be showered upon the ummah and assistance will come from that direction, and pointed towards Khuraasaan. (This means that the Mahdii will make his appearance as interpreted by Shaykhul Hind, Moulaanaa Mahmuud al-Hasan, rahimahullaah.)

Note: Ahaadiith inform us that the army of Imaam Mahdii will emerge from olden-day Khuraasaan.

Thus in the view of Shaah Waliyullaah, 'Allaamah Rashiid Ahmad Gangohii, and Moulaanaa Qaasim Naanotwii, rahimahumullaah, that only Imaam Mahdii will be able to accomplish the next great reformation of the Muslim ummah. -Discourses of Qaarii Muhammad Tayyib, rahimahullaah, page 136.

In his famous work, ‘Alaamaat Qiyaamat, Shaah Rafii-uddiin Muhaddith Dehlawii, rahimahullaah, writes, «maam Mahdii will make his appearance [during the hajj season] in the sacred city of Makkah Mukarramah. Whilst circumambulating around the Ka’bah, he will be identified by a group between the Maqaam Ibraahiim and the Hajar Aswad [black-stone]. This group of people will pledge allegiance to him».

This great event will be preceded by a solar and lunar eclipse in the Ramadaan prior to that hajj. At the time of the pledge, a voice will be heard from the sky which will proclaim, «This is the vicegerent of Allaah, the Mahdii, so listen to him and obey him». All those who will be present there will distinctly hear this voice.

He will be forty years old at that time. He will be a Sayyid, and will be from the descendants of Sayyidah Faatimah Az-Zahraa, radiyallaahu 'anhaa. His name will be Muhammad, his father will be ‘Abdullaah and his mother Aaminah. He will be tall, full of vigour and vitality, and his face will resemble the sacred face of Sayyidunaa Rasuulullaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. He will pass away at the age of 49. Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, will perform the janaazah salaah (funeral prayer) and bury him. Thereafter all the affairs entrusted to the Mahdii will be assumed by Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam. – ‘Alaamat Qiyaamat.

The entire earth will be filled with justice and integrity of the Mahdii. Injustice and oppression will be uprooted. During that time, all people will be extremely devoted servants of Allaah Ta’aalaa, and they will be pre-occupied in 'ibaadah [devotion]. The entire world will consist of Muslims only. He will never taste defeat».

[NB: According to the research that I conducted, once in every twenty-three years a solar and lunar eclipse occurs in the month of Ramadaan. In the Ramadaan of 2003, this phenomenon will take place. Subsequently, on the 9th November 2003 there will be a lunar eclipse, and on the 24th November 2003 there will be a solar eclipse. The hajj of 1424 will be in January 2004 is thus of crucial significance. And Allaah Ta’aalaa knows best].

The following excerpt is taken from a sermon delivered by the late rector of Daarul ‘Uluum Deoband, Uttar Pradesh, India, Moulaanaa Qaarii Muhammad Tayyib Saahib, rahimahullaah on the 1 st October 1974: «The final sign before the appearance of the Mahdii will be that during a particular hajj period, for some reason a severe war will break out resulting in thousands of hujjaaj being massacred. The Jamarah ‘Aqabah will be drenched with blood».’

If memory serves one correctly, the late Qaarii Saahib also mentioned that 313 people will survive this carnage. «These people will decide to look for some support and shelter. They will eventually be lead into finding the Mahdii, and will pledge allegiance to him. The Mahdii will thereafter settle in Syria».

The entire Muslim world will unite under his banner. This event will be followed by the anticipation for Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam. Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, will descend at the time of fajr salaah when the congregation would be almost ready to commence their salaah. He will request for the ladder as he will descend on the minaarah of the Jaami’ Masjid in Damascus.

Imaam Mahdii will request Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, to perform the salaah but he will decline saying, «The iqaamah has already been said for you».’ In this particular salaah, Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, will follow the Mahdii, but thereafter all salaah will be lead by him.

The Dajjaal will have already appeared. This will be a very great calamity. The ummah will be in great fear during that period of time. Some will follow him and regard him as a god. Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, will eventually kill Dajjaal with his spear at Lydda which is in Palestine. The Jews will be targeted and assassinated. Trees and boulders will speak to the Muslims informing them of any Jew seeking shelter and protection by them. The gharqad tree will however conceal the Jew; hence this tree is being planted by the thousands in Palestine. [In the bible, this battle has been referred to as Armageddon.]

Those Christians who will repent and accept Islaam will be saved from any persecution or massacre. Others who choose to disbelieve, will be put to death. Thereafter the entire world will be ruled by Muslims.

The ahaadiith of Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam inform us that Islaam will surely be completed. This refers to both the quantity and quality of Muslims. In the time of the sahaabah, radiyallaahu ‘anhum, Islaam was completed as far as quality of the Muslims were concerned, as each sahaabii was a living example of the Qur-aan. Towards the end of time, it will be completed as far as quantity is concerned, and this refers to the era of as Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, as the world will only consist of Muslims. In this manner, the absolute dominance of Islaam will be manifested, and the world will be governed by the system of khilaafah of the righteous caliphs. [Hakiimul Islaam Qaarii Muhammad Tayyib Saahib and his discourses with his Autobiography - by Moulaanaa Muftii Zafiiruddiin. Published by Idaarah Ta-liifaat Auliyaa, Deoband]

Certain prominent Muslim scholars have refuted the coming of Imaam Mahdii, and yet others have stated that Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, is the Mahdii. People who hold such beliefs should urgently rectify them as Sayyidunaa `Eesaa, `alayhis salaam, and Imaam Mahdii are two different personalities. All Muslims, of different persuasions, believe in the coming of Imaam Mahdii, even though they differ on few minor issues.

The leader of the deviant Ahle-Hadiith sect in India, Nawaab Siddiiq-Hasan Khaan Qannojii writes the following in his book, ‘Iqtarabatis Saa’ah’:

«Imaam Mahdii will accept the oath of allegiance at the time of ‘E-shaa salaah between the Hajar Aswad and the Maqaam Ibraahiim. He will have with him the sword, flag and kurtah of Sayyidunaa Rasuulullaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. 313 people will join him, who due to their excessive devotion for ‘ibaadah would be like monks during the night, and due to their passion for jihaad, would be like knights during the day. The Mahdii will be born in Madiinah Tayyibah. He would be from the offspring of Sayyidah Faatimah, radiyallaahu `anhaa. His name will be Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullaah. He will have a slight stammer, and he will slap his hands upon his thigh during the course of his speech».

Sayyidunaa Thawbaan, radiyallaahu ‘anhu, narrates that Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said, «A time will dawn upon my ummah when the forces of the world will call one another against you, just as how hungry people gather around a plate of food». The sahaabah, radiyallaahu ‘anhum, enquired, «Will that happen because of our insignificant numbers?» Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said, «No, you will be in great numbers at that time, but you will be like the scum that flows upon flood-waters. And Allaah Ta`aalaa will snatch awe for you from the heart of your enemy, and he will instil a weakness in your hearts». The sahaabah, radiyallaahu ‘anhum, enquired about the nature of this weakness and Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, «It will be love for the world and dislike for death». - Sunan Abuu Daawuud

Believe it or not! That time has arrived. Muslims have become cowardly, and apprehensive due to the material might of others. The love of the world has possessed their hearts, and they have an aversion for death and jihaad. Instead of regarding Allaah Ta`aalaa as the supreme authority, they have bowed to the material might of America. Whereas America itself is controlled by the Jews and is helpless and disgusted.1 All the so-called leaders of the Muslim world are puppets of America and for quite some time the enemy (Jews, Christians, Hindus and Communists etc.) are spilling Muslim blood like water on all fronts under different ruses.

1 According to news reports since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today's population, that is more than $5,700 per person.

Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam, said, «This ummah will be a victim of such oppression that a person will find no place of refuge. At that time, Allaah Ta’aalaa will create from my progeny, a person who will fill the world with justice just as it had been filled with injustice and corruption. Those in the skies as well as those on earth will be pleased with his justness. Rain will be abundant and all vegetation will abound, and those who will be alive would desire that the dead Muslims lived to see the glory of that period». - Mishkaat.

Sayyidunaa Abuu Sa’eed Khudarii, radiyallaahu ‘anhu, narrates that Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said, «The Mahdii will be from my progeny. His face will be extremely luminous, and he will have a high-bridged nose». - Mishkaat.

Sayyidunaa ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas, radiyallaahu ‘anhumaa, narrates that Nabii, sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam said, «That ummah will never be annihilated whose advent was graced by me, whose ending period will be graced by Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, and whose middle period would be graced by the Mahdii». - Nisaa-ee, Abuu Nu`aym, Ibn Asaakir, Al-Haakim.

Imaam Mahdii will engage in many battles with the disbelievers. One of these has been dubbed as «Malhamah al-Kubraa» or «Malhamah al-‘Uzmaa» - the Great battle.

In this regard, Sayyidunaa Abuu Hurayrah, radiyallaahu 'anhu, narrates that Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said, «Before qiyaamah, the Romans [i.e. Christians] will gather at Aa’maaq, or Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam said, Waabiq. [‘Umq is the name of a place in Syria, which happens to be near Waabiq, and which is situated between Halab and Antaakiyyah. The distance between Waabiq and Halab is approximately four farsakhs - 12 miles]. A Muslim army will advance towards them from Madiinah Tayyibah, who will be the best Muslims on the surface of the earth at that time».

When the two armies will meet, the Romans will say to the Muslims, «Leave us to deal with those of our people who were taken captive by you and have now reverted to your faith, so that we may take them to task». The Muslims will say, «By the oath of Allaah, we will never hand our brothers over to you». This will spark off the fight.

The statistics of this battle are as follows. One-third of the Muslim army will flee the battle-filed, whose repentance will never be accepted by Allaah Ta’aalaa. One-third will be martyred, and they will be regarded as the most superior martyrs. The last third will gain victory, and subsequently they will remain protected from future trials due to their victory. -Sahiih Muslim

Further discussion regarding the battle with the Romans

Once Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, asked the sahaabah, radiyallaahu ‘anhum, if they knew a city which was bordered on the one side by water and on the other by land. The sahaabah, radiyallhu ‘anhum, replied positively. Sayyidunaa Nabii sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, then said, «Qiyaamah will not occur until seventy thousand people from the progeny of Sayyidunaa Ishaaq, ‘alayhis salaam (inhabitants of Shaam - Syria) [or according to Imaam Nawawii, and Qaadii ‘Iyaad, rahimahumallaah, from the progeny of Sayyidunaa Ismaa-eel, ‘alayhis salaam] wage war against the inhabitants of this particular city.

When this army draws close to the city, they will not attack with any weapons or artillery. [Instead they will conquer the city by the divine unseen help of Allaah Ta`aalaa]. When they will recite the slogan of «Laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar». for the first time, one side of the protective wall will collapse. When they will recite the slogan of «Laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar». for the second time, the other side of this great wall will collapse. They will recite this takbiir for a third time, and they will enter the city victoriously.

[This event will openly prove to the world the falsehood of the trinity and Christianity, and the truthfulness of Islaam]. The army will then busy itself in distributing the spoils of war when the rumour will spread that Dajjaal has made his appearance. Hearing this they will leave what they were engaged in and set off once again. -Sahiih Muslim.

The author of Mirqaat has written that this city is Rome, which has incorrectly been ascertained as Constantinople by some researchers. Constantinople was conquered by Sultaan Muhammad Faatih on the 29th of May 1453 AD. He changed the name of the city to Islaambul, which in time changed to Istanbul. It is regarded as an historic city and it has a famous port. It is bordered by two oceans.

The hadiith of Sahiih Muslim explicitly points to the fact that this city will be bordered by water on the one side and by land on the other side. This is actually a reference to Rome, which is the capital of Italy. Imaam Mahdii together with his army of seventy thousand Muslims will conquer this city with the slogan of «Laa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar». The city of the Vatican is also in Rome, which is the home of the Pope, who believes in the doctrine or Trinity, the divinity of Sayyidunaa `Eesaa, `alayhis salaam, and the concept of the original sin. The pope is regarded as the representative of Sayyidunaa ‘Eesaa, ‘alayhis salaam, and this place is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic faith.

The famous French Christian predictor «Nostradamus» also affirmed that a Muslim conqueror will not only conquer Europe but the entire world, and the flag of Islaam will flutter proudly on the entire earth. The Muslim army will take control of Rome, and the Pope will be banished. He will eventually die in exile.

In the era of Sayyidunaa Sayyidunaa Rasuulullaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam, the world was ruled by two superpowers, i.e. The Romans and the Persians. All minorities were affiliated to one of these two. The Muslims conquered these two superpowers in a short period of time after the demise of Sayyidunaa Nabii, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. As if this period was the period of the first Muslim World Order. In the ahaadiith pertaining to the appearance of Imaam Mahdii, it is mentioned that the forces of the East and West will be annihilated during his able reign. The entire world will then be ruled by Islaam. As if this will be the second Muslim World order. In-shaa-Allaah.

by Muhammad ‘Abdul Majiid Siddiiqii
Advocate High Court, Pakistan

Translated by Moulaanaa ‘Abdurrahman Hussein Kolia


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